Board of Directors

Jon Borge

Dr. Pearlette Ramos
Vice Chairperson

Dr. Ryan Williams

Georganna Meyer

Martha Rozen

Ed Sanchez

Sam Wheeler

Marquetta White

T. Paul Thomas
Supervisory Committee
Appointed by the Board of Directors, The OneAZ Supervisory Committee consists of volunteers who are responsible for the safety and soundness of our credit union. They are independent from the Board of Directors and Management and are tasked with ensuring member interests are protected. The Committee oversees the Internal Audit department and engages an external accounting firm to conduct an annual opinion audit of OneAZ’s financial statements.
2024 OneAZ Supervisory Committee
Henry Blanco, Member
Sara Click, Member
Jane Kuhn, Member
Members with an unresolved issue or concern about their account or OneAZ Credit Union can contact the Supervisory Committee at:
OneAZ Credit Union
C/O Supervisory Committee
2355 W. Pinnacle Peak Dr.
Phoenix, AZ 85027
NOTE: This address is for supervisory committee correspondence only. Loan payment, insurance policies and other unrelated mail will not be accepted at this address.
Board Compensation
In line with our commitment to transparency, we're proud to share information about our board structure and stipend.